

Sam is here!

He got in today in Frankfurt, I picked him up, we took the train back to HD, and promptly visited a local gem which I hadn't yet seen: the Heidelberger Schnitzelhaus. Over 100 types of Schnitzel. Fantastic. Sam was craving an oniony creation from the start, and went for the Schnitzel with onions. I, however, went for the behemoth: Schnitzel, eggs, bacon, onions. Heart attack on a plate. After a couple beers we went for a walk on the river and I showed off romantic Heidelberg. He was way into it. It's now early to bed due to jet lag, and tomorrow is a day full of university!

Happy Father's Day Dad, and all other dads out there.

Love Al.

1 comment:

Big D/D-Train said...

I only have one thing to say, and this goes for you and Sam: euer Zeit. Enjoy the shit out of Heidelberg and all of Deutschland.

And know that I'll be anticipating your every post these next few days, so a let brother know what fun you're having in the fatherland.

In Deutschland vertrauen wir, meine Brüder..