

I leave Germany two months from tomorrow.
I have been living in Heidelberg now for 8 full months, and been in Germany for almost 9.
The end is really, really close- I can't imagine June and July feeling so small in my life. Normally June and July are the longest months of the year-- besides August-- because of summer vacation. Months full of unplanned time, where you live by the day and by what the shift schedule for the next day looks like. If it's an opening shift, plan on a light night, because you're rising with the sun. Any other shift, and it's all good. It stretches on into eternity because planning is kept to a bare minimum.
This "summer" will fly by. I have 7 weekends left here in romantic Heidelberg. They are (almost) all completely filled already:
June 5-7: Angela Merkel is coming to HD. Also hiking.
12-14: Thinking of a bike ride to Tübingen. Still in planning stages.
19-21: Sam is coming. Or is he? Maybe he'll tell me one of these days.
26-28: Will Sam be here? Otherwise, hiking and helping friends move in.
July 3-5: Actually wide open... Party at the military base? Don't really want to. Maybe I'll spread some American culture somewhere.
10-12: Choir concert.
17-19: 21 years old! Most likely doing a Feuernacht redux, or something of the sort.
24-25: Thorsten drives down to pick me up. I'm very, very excited to show him my Heidelberg. He brought me here the first day to enroll, and he'll leave with me. Thanks, Thorsten!
And that's that. The last week will be spent in Köln with family.

Sadly the best word to describe my feelings is bittersweet, only because that word sucks. I figure I'll reflect a bit more in the next few weeks, but it's enough to say that I cannot wait to hug my mom and dad at the airport in Chicago. I also want these next few weeks to streeetch so I can run around inside of them until my legs are tired and I collapse. Thus bittersüß: or bittersweet.

Listening to: Lives- Modest Mouse
"It's hard to remember, we're alive for the first time. It's hard to remember, we're alive for the last time. It's hard to remember, to live before you die."

1 comment:

Thorsten said...

Gerne. Freue mich schon auf dein Heidelberg!