
first grades back

Writes Professor Dr. Rösch:

"Herr Meyer, Ihre Arbeit ist inspirierend und gut strukturiert. Sie zeigen die
Themen des Textes und die dahinter verborgenen Assoziationen. Die
Argumentation leuchtet ein. Besonders freut mich Ihre fluessige und
idiomatisch korrekte Darstellungsweise. Die Forschungsliteratur haben
Sie knapp, aber gut ausgewertet. An einigen Stellen fehlen die konkreten
Belege Ihrer Informationen, aber das mindert nicht die analytische
Leistung dieser Arbeit, die zu lesen ein Vergnuegen ist.
Daher eine sehr gute Leistung (1,0).
Ich gratuliere Ihnen zu Ihren hier sichtbaren Studienfortschritten."


[Update: Translation:
Mr Meyer: Your essay is inspired and well structured. You clearly show the themes of the text as well as the associations hidden behind it. The argumentation is plausible and easily followed. I am especially pleased with your fluid and idiomatically correct manner of representation. The secondary literature is short, but well read and employed. At some points the specific sources of your ideas are missing, but that doesn't lessen the analytical accomplishments of the paper, which was a joy to read. Therefore your grade is 1.0 [The German scale is 1-5, 1 being the highest possible]. I congratulate you on the obvious progress in your studies.]

listening to: Wolfgang Amadeus Pheonix from Pheonix


Thorsten said...


Rob said...

Ummm, for those of us who don't read/speak German but would still like to stalk you via your blog, can we get a brief translation?
