

hello all!

it's a wild few weeks coming up in romantic heidelberg. to keep y'all updated:

-Tomorrow is referat (report) number 1/2 for the semester. It's about a play by Ludwig Thoma called "Moral". Written ca 1900, it follows a Sittlichkeitsverein (Ethics Club) as it attempts to squash a scandal involving each member of the club and their visits to a prostitute. I love the enduring quality of the double-moral and hypocrisy. So I need to work through the play and highlight what's funny. Should be fun.

-This week Thursday is the last day of April. Thursday night is Walpurgis Night, the annual pagan celebration of spring. In Heidelberg, hordes of students head to the Thingstätte, an old Nazi ampitheater, to dance and drink the night away until the sun comes up. I've heard it's incredible, and as I've only got one chance I am planning on enjoying it.

-I joined a tennis club recently and the courts are (finally!) open, so I'll start playing. Tennis in Germany works differently than in the US- as far as I know there's no such thing as public courts. You must buy a membership to use courts, but that means there'll generally be no waiting for courts and that the courts are clay, which is nice.

-I get to see a German soccer match! May 9, I'm headed up to see Dortmund play. It's Hanna's favorite team. Which means that Saturday, I'm chearing for Dortmund. Go yellow!

-And the day after, Ben Kweller is popping into romantic Heidelberg to give a little concert. I may have to pop in for a listen.

And so that's my next couple weeks. After that I'm heading to the Bodensee sometime, but I'll let y'all know when I know for sure.


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