
not a bad thursday...

I made it to the castle today! About 6 weeks after I started running, I jogged up to the castle, around the park 3 times, and back down. Pretty sweet. When I made it home I wanted to see how far I'd gone, and for the first time since 10th grade, used trigonometry (or basic geometry?) to measure how far I'd gone. You see, normally I run on a pretty much even course, with slight but never prolonged inclines. The jog up to the castle, though, is 1.32 km long with a total height difference of 95 m, or .095 km. I used the famous a(a) + b(b) = c(c) equation to figure out the actual distance I ran, but came up with 1.323 km. All the ridiculous hard work that I put into jogging up that ascent equals 3 m. Unless I did the math wrong. Oh well. But I felt quite accomplished, and it is a beautiful run. Again tomorrow?

I also had English class today. I'm teaching graduate students conversational English- one from Bulgaria, one from Poland, and one from Argentina. It was a lot of fun- I get to talk alot and listen to their stories, and they get to improve their English. I also enjoy the teaching element- it will be nice to watch them improve over the next two months I get to work with them. Also, I get paid... 10Euro per hour, and I suggested more time for each of them today, moving my hours per week from 2 to 5! Good times.

RIP Chicago Blackhawks, go Chicago Fire. Maybe they will be the team to bring us joy this year.

Love from rainy, romantic Heidelberg.


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