
"change gonna come, oh yes it will"

I stayed up till 5 am watching the Election returns. Long night!

Sometime during this marathon election, Michelle Obama committed a "gaffe" by saying that, for the first time in her adult life, she was truly proud of her country.

For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my country. Well done, USA.

But let's close this book real fast, and get to work making the world a better place to live in. Let's help people get healthcare, keep people in their homes, move towards alternative energy, and become a symbol of peace and freedom in the world.

From the German press:
"[Barack Obama] wird die Welt nicht führen können, zum mächtigsten Moderator jedoch kann er werden und zum wichtigsten Anwalt der Freiheit. Er muss es auch, denn die neuen Mächte in Asien haben mehr Macht als Ideen. Die Welt braucht Amerika. Freiheit- seit Dienstag hat das Wort keinen metallischen Klang mehr. Willkommen daheim, Amerika!" -Bernd Ulrich, Die Zeit.

We can do it. Congratulations Mr Obama. You'll do Chicago proud.

1 comment:

Lukas M. said...

congratulations mr. obama.
i'm glad you guys stayed up. It was pretty special

48 days alex...