

So my "mannschaft" got absolutely "mannhandled" today. We took part in the University's "Uni-Cup", basically a massive round robin indoor soccer tournament with about 50 teams. You play at least one day of games, and with success you can play on till the championship.
We lost all 4 today. Cumulative score of about 14-0.
But it's ok- we had a good time, which is what matters, right? It's just frustrating. All these Germans grow up learning how to kick a soccer ball before they can walk. And I'm over there in America, learning how to eat apple pies and throw a baseball. Don't get me wrong- they're very admirable, and generally applicable, skills. But not here. In Germany, you've got be really good at being on time, not breaking plans (I've found that to be a major issue), playing soccer, and aggresively cutting of cars in the street while biking. I'm pretty good at punctuality, thanks to my mom, and the biking also feels inherent. I don't know about improving at soccer. I think I'm going to ask Lukas to bring my football when he comes in December.
I am very excited for him to come. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. I just miss having a brother around. Good luck Lukas on Monday!
I hope everyone is warm, and happy. It's so dark here. The sun is gone around 3:30.
Word of the day: macabre. (grausig)

1 comment:

Lukas M. said...

thanks for the shout-out