

it's that time of the semester again... when German university students do their best UChicago impression and study their butts off for exams. No friends are available, everyone's pissy, and the sun shines beautiful and hot anyways.
I'm feeling the stress too. Turns out the Germans use a bookend scheme with their bureaucracy. The first month is hell, the 10 months in between they forget you exist, and the last month is shaping up to be quite annoying. I'm pretty much out of money, offices are only open from 10-12 every day, which isn't too practical for the student schedule, so I can't get much done. I need to officially leave the university, cancel my health insurance, and officially leave the city. And write two papers in two weeks. I am a bit stressed too.

But Thorsten is coming soon!

Bis bald, Chicago-



~Cleverick said...

Chicargo wirst du aber nie wiedersehen, das weisst du doch. Man kommt nie wieder zurück.

~Cleverick said...

Chicag-Alex habe ich sagen wollen. Chicago wirst du wiedersehen.