
ciao heidelberg.

It's my last night in Heidelberg. Forever? Of course not. So many loved ones here, I'll of course find my way back in the next, let's say, 5 years.
But my year here, my "Jahr in Heidelberg", ends tomorrow morning. Thorsten and I will pack up the dishes in the kitchen, load up the car, and head north to Köln am Rhein.

Today was as close to perfect as the day can get. Thorsten and I slept in and I made him my last cup of coffee. We sat in the kitchen for a while, enjoying the slowly waking day. We then wandered to my seminar building where I handed in my last documents for die Universität Heidelberg. It felt good, sliding those envelopes into the steel mailboxes. It was so anticlimactic that it was nice- I think if it had been climactic I'd have been disappointed.

We then enjoyed a last latte in the Mensa with my last few euro on my ID card. (note- coffee #2, already at 12. Must be with a Heidemann.) We then changed shoes and went for a hike up to the castle, one last time. Though overcast, we could see quite far. We went further into the forest, enjoying the Odenwald and its moist undergrowth and creepy vampire houses.

On arrival back in the Altstadt, sweating and hungry, we went to Falafel. We ate falafel there. Best I've ever had.

After a little relaxation we met with Philipp for a walk along the Philosophenweg. Also beautiful. I sat for a bit in the garden up top, looking at the beauty and taking it in.

We then met Philipp's girlfriend and son on the Neckarwiese. Heidelberg threw its best at me today. The weather report called for rain, rain, rain. And the actual weather was bluest of blue skies and sun in bunches. Perfect.

We then eventually wandered to Schnitzelhaus for a final meal. In Heidelberg. And I went back to the standard, the Rhöner Bauernschnitzel, with eggs, bacon, and onions. Mmm.

And then we grabbed a couple Vetters bottles, 1 liter each, and sat on the Neckar bank. And it rained.

Heidelberg, it's been real, real good. At times I've hated it here-- thousands of tourists, stupid bureaucrats, annoying professors, annoying amis-- but days like today remind me why I loved it here. It's a magical place here. It feels removed from the rest of the world, somehow stuck in a sunny version of the 17th century. I'll miss it.

Alt Heidelberg, du feine, du Stadt am Ehren reich. Am Neckar und am Rheine, kein andre kommt dir gleich.

Thanks, Heidelberg. Auf Wiedersehen.

Love, Al.

credit photo: Thorsten Heidemann

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