
First post!

I apologize for waiting so long to start this up. There really is no excuse- though I've been hellishly busy the past week, the three weeks before that were just a Groundhog's Day-esque pasture of nothingness (no offense to my wonderful family who hosted me in Köln).
But apologies aside, I'm starting this to keep you all updated on my year abroad in romantic Heidelberg Germany. I'm going to read a lot, learn a lot, and probably drink a lot.
A camera is on its way from Chicago so I can soon include photos.

Classes start tomorrow- I am glad I'm finally going to do what I came here to do. That is, read great literature and get better at German. Here are the courses- they're all seminars-
"Georg Büchner"
"Heinrich Heine: Lyrik"
"Christa Wolf: Ihr Werk im Gesellschaftlichen Kontext"
"Mythen der Männlichkeit: Don Juan und Casanova"
"Der historische Roman"
"Franz Grillparzer: Dramen"

I am probably most excited for Wolf, a 20th/21st century feminist German writer. Very excited for Es Bleibt, describing her experiences under Stasi surveillance.

At Chicago, I take a walk in the evening the night before each new quarter begins. I usually make a playlist of songs important to me at the moment, bundle up, and head to the Lake. Tonight I think I'll do the same, only this time it's the Neckar River, looking up at the Heidelberger Schloss. Better than the Chicago skyline from Hyde Park? Not sure yet. Doubt it.

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