
Sam update- just got off the phone with her-
One tooth gone, 4 are loose right now. She's excited for the puppy to come on Halloween, obviously excited to be a witch for the 31st, and is growing her hair super long!
That's all for now from the Sam front.



It really does work. I made 5 euro in 30 minutes- if I would put in a full day's work, 8 hours, that's 80 euro, which ain't too shabby. Just too damn cold to keep playing. But once it starts to warm up, I'll absolutely do two hours a Saturday, pay for beer for the night.
Life is good- fast paced, busy, stimulating in many ways. This weekend was "epic"- we had our Feuernacht, which was basically a bonfire in the middle of the woods in this hut, with tons of people and sleeping outside etc etc. The stars were out, the night was brisk- a smashing success and a ton of fun.
But I am presenting my first Referat tomorrow afternoon, so the rest of my day will be full of sitting in coffee shops and libraries talking to myself. Can't wait!

God bless daylight savings time.



Now, I don't like to broadcast my political views too loudly, ever since I wore a certain shirt to a choir rehearsal and received a hailstorm of ball-breakage.
But, really McCain campaign? You're going to continue to insinuate that Barack Obama is, or has any intention of aiding or befriending, a terrorist? We'll see how that plays out in 12 days. This is pathetic. The RNC is distributing this mailer with a cover, written in Joker-lettering, that reads "Terrorists don't care who they hurt", and it opens to an image of Obama with text, "Why would we care what they have to say?" It continues, "Barack Obama- not who you think he is."
Shame on the Republican Party for dipping down to such a level. I'd much rather see a comparison of health care programs or tax plans, or reform of the economic system, than this utter bullshit.


Things I like

döner. mit zwiebeln und scharfe soße.

first week (wie bunt! wie schön!)

Class went great. I am taking 5 seminars, which means 5 "Hausarbeiten" are due at the end of the semester (app. 50 pages in German!). But I think I can handle it.
Yesterday I went for a hike. I had no idea I'd be coming here and hiking so much, but it is so beautiful and such a perfect spot for hiking.
Going somewhere beautiful, simply by moving your feet, controlling every change in direction, connects you to the earth. Add to that the colors and the birds and conversation that accompanies a hike- it is addicting in a good way.

Today has been an intriguing juxtaposition of culture- on the one hand, Heinrich Heine's poem Die Grenadiere- about two soldiers' allegiance above all else to the French king, even from the grave... on the other, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's "Who Pooped the Bed?" College kids are fascinating in their capability to embrace the highest and lowest cultural expressions available.


New Bike!

There she is! Rides so smooth, nice and tall for me, and a pretty finish. Not quite sure of the name yet though. Ideas?

Don't worry lemon, you are still number one in my heart.

things that are ärgerlich

opposite to the set of things i love, there is a lot of bullshit here in germany.
and as i hadn't developed my blog until after most of my bureaucratic crap was taken care of, i'll just satisfy that by saying:

  • Registration. Sucked.
  • CitiBank. Sucks.

things i love

post #1 in a long series called

"Things I love about Germany"
essentially, a set of pros that i come across in daily life, that place the culture and lifestyle above that of my dear chicago's.

  • as I wandered around for a bakery at lunch today, looking for a brötchen or something to carry me over to cereal for dinner, i stumble onto a fruit market. buy some delicious grapes, and top it off with a feuerwurst with mustard. so good!


credit both photos to thorsten heidemann.

First post!

I apologize for waiting so long to start this up. There really is no excuse- though I've been hellishly busy the past week, the three weeks before that were just a Groundhog's Day-esque pasture of nothingness (no offense to my wonderful family who hosted me in Köln).
But apologies aside, I'm starting this to keep you all updated on my year abroad in romantic Heidelberg Germany. I'm going to read a lot, learn a lot, and probably drink a lot.
A camera is on its way from Chicago so I can soon include photos.

Classes start tomorrow- I am glad I'm finally going to do what I came here to do. That is, read great literature and get better at German. Here are the courses- they're all seminars-
"Georg Büchner"
"Heinrich Heine: Lyrik"
"Christa Wolf: Ihr Werk im Gesellschaftlichen Kontext"
"Mythen der Männlichkeit: Don Juan und Casanova"
"Der historische Roman"
"Franz Grillparzer: Dramen"

I am probably most excited for Wolf, a 20th/21st century feminist German writer. Very excited for Es Bleibt, describing her experiences under Stasi surveillance.

At Chicago, I take a walk in the evening the night before each new quarter begins. I usually make a playlist of songs important to me at the moment, bundle up, and head to the Lake. Tonight I think I'll do the same, only this time it's the Neckar River, looking up at the Heidelberger Schloss. Better than the Chicago skyline from Hyde Park? Not sure yet. Doubt it.