
take it to the man, man

As a requirement to study in Germany as an international student, you need to pass some sort of German language test, to prove aptitude. I did this last summer during my frantic attempt to apply and get accepted at a University here. My grades on the TestDaF (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache) were not quite sufficient, but I asked for special permission and they let me in, on grounds that I retake the test in March of this year.
Well at the beginning of the year I recieved a letter, letting me know I had been enrolled in the DSH (another form of the German test) and that, unless I took and passed the test, I would not be allowed to study here the next semester.
I had absolutely no interest in taking that test.
So, after a bit of persuasion from my roommate and landlords, I wrote a letter to the office for international students (in proofread and perfect German) asking to be freed from the required test.
I waited a couple weeks and had received no answer. I counted my losses and accepted that I'd have to stick around in little Heidelberg during my semester break to take the dumb test. But then on a whim I sifted through my junk email folder and came across the answer- I needed only to provide a letter from an advisor or professor confirming my proficiency and I'd be free!
So I asked a professor to write a letter for me, he returned it to me in two days, and I went this morning to have it looked over. The administrator lady read the letter once through and told me I was free to go, no requirement to take the test anymore. She said it makes them happy to run into international students who can actually speak German well. Ahh.
So it goes to show- show some initiative and ask for what you want, and you may get it sometimes.
I'm flying to Rome, then Athens, and back instead of taking a dumb test. Life is good.

1 comment:

Melissa Weihmayer said...

Alex, that is amazing!!! Let it be known to the masses, that Alex vanquished the german bureaucracy and actually made it work for him!!! Ich bin wirklich sehr Stolz auf dich :-)

Have fun on your adventures!