
last night in the fatherland.

I feel a bit nauseous today. I cant seem to settle down. Each time I sit, my leg starts shaking. Its a weird feeling. I am anxious about the next few months, about settling down back in Chicago. Only it wont be settling at all- it'll be crazy and busy, full of BA writing and jobs and becoming an American again.
At the same time I want to sit and enjoy this last evening with the Heidemanns. Appreciate how wonderful it is with them here in Deutz.

I tried to pack a year into 2 bags and 46 kg. It didnt work.

I could try to pack a year into this entry, but it wouldnt work either. All I can say is thank you. Its been good.

Thanks to everyone who read this throughout the year. The more you read, the more I wrote, and writing has been wonderful. I will continue to blog from Chicago, only probably from a new site. I will post the link here when I set it up.

Until then, this is Alex signing off from mein Jahr in Heidelberg.
